Friday, February 13, 2015

Am I unique?

I don't really see my style as unique. I want what many want. I long for financial freedom, signs of a life that has real meaning, and above all else the ability to make great decisions about my life; as well as, my children's wants and needs. I am pretty well down to earth. I view the world the way I think it should be instead of how it is. We all long for happiness and what we think will help us to accomplish that. I just want to make a difference in life. I want to be remembered for good things not bad. Accomplishments not failures, the right thing not the wrong one.

Some believe we are free. I believe we have freedom, but we also have too many categories where money is concerned. We have the rich who never seem to understand the value of a dollar. The poor who spend money too fast because having money feels like a carnival ride. The Middle Class look down on poor people and seem to be very self absorbent their self. How does this effect freedom you might ask. It starts at an early age when we first come in contact with people outside of our own family. We are labeled against our own will, stereotyped by those who have very little knowledge and understanding about how the world around us truly works. In a sense childhood is like a prison for the children who don't have a lot. We then enter Jr High where the preps, the jocks, the drug-users, the uncool, and all of those other equally ignorant labels. Our youth now develop the message that without money we are trash and this places added stress on their parents to try to help the child live beyond the families means, The whole thing leads to financial struggle to buy that $125 pair of shoes they wanted, but guess what your child is not off the hook, because just as you spend all you have to impress the child's peers the more fortunate are declaring the shoe uncool now because the poor kid can afford them. We worry about bullying to some extent,but when you look at the whole
situation bullying is becoming too big of a problem for others to even begin to impact the situation.
We raised our kids the best we could as did everyone else, but the emotional trauma caused by feeling unaccepted by others will stay with people forever. Another thing to overcome just to believe in yourself which clearly is the reason why we don't. I have made fun of people just playing, but the results are too severe sometimes. Some of these people get so worked up about what others are saying it leads to suicides, homicides, as well as a life totally devoted to crime and gangs. I can't go to the grocery store without being held up at gunpoint in some cities around this country. Freedom you say what is that really? Its society doing more damage to each other than the government ever could.
Terrorism doesn't even rank close to the same amount of deaths.

We are all born with life. Are we actually living.? I can't count the number of times I have asked myself this question. Life define that word for me. I'm willing to bet if I surveyed twenty people from various walks of life about what life is the answers would be so broad that some would drop their jaw.We as a society think if you live in the ghetto you don't talk to those outside the ghetto, First, What is the ghetto,but just a rundown area of town with folks who haven't had many breaks in life.
We as a community could do so much for others if we quit criticizing things we can't possibly begin to understand. I spent a great deal of my childhood living in the projects. We all had hopes and dreams, as well as compassion for one another. I sometimes wonder if being without things makes it easier to appreciate the things you do have. I have never lived on the other side of the spectrum so this question may never have an answer unless of course I become successful to which I will be grateful, but won't forget the struggle and the friends I made along the way who really wanted something out of life, But others felt it necessary to create reasonable doubt about who that particular person really was.

Back to the bullying issue for a moment. How many students in class are afraid to raise their hand and participate just because their peers have made them feel that class participation is nerdy, and no one should ever pay attention. I want everyone to stop and think about who makes us feel this way? Do they have good grades? Probably not. Do they care about you? obviously not if getting detention or I.S.S. for not listening or participating in class seems to be their example. I can't really stress that point enough. College and a good career start with doing well in high school. The question is do you want to spend your whole life renting something or would you like to one day own property, a home, a car, so on and so forth. High School=College, College= better career, better career= financial independence. financial independence= ownership. ownership equals successful life. High School is laying the foundation for that mansion you dream about. Without your life having foundation it will constantly be put on hold for repairs. Is this the kind of life you want? I didn't think so. Remember the days of watching students worship the child who only attends long enough to get suspended which usually occurs on his first day back, and it sorta makes me wonder how they ever got a chance to know the kid in the first place. Was it 1st grade when that same kid was eating their paste? Was it 5th grade when that kid stole a friends lunch money, or maybe it was ninth grade when some girl dumped him prior to the prom just to ask out his closest pal. Whatever the case he had enough troubles without someone declaring his failures as a role to follow.

Jocks criticize intelligent children when intelligence probably had a lot to do with designing the sports they love. Drug-users criticize the drug free community for caring enough about their body to not destroy it. It isn't any ones' fault that another student comes from a broken home. I just can't see how doing things that will maintain a bad life from here on out is helping matters. These are all examples of what I feel is wrong with the world in which we call home. Everyone finds it easier to point out another's flaws as opposed to conquering their own skeletons.

What is with kids and thinking getting into trouble anyway they can makes them more desirable to hang with. I guess it's because the kids today fuel the fire by being fascinated with everything that isn't in some way decent.