Friday, May 1, 2015

Charles Spencer         5/1/2015
I have a friend who can be very supportive. The comfort in knowing I have that moral support helps me in ways most can’t even imagine. He is a very competitive person who enjoys many sports such as : Basketball, Football, Track,  Weight-Lifting. He has been a very positive influence on how I deal with my day to day. He devotes much of his time to staying in physical condition which is good for the heart. The body burns more calories when the heart rate is up.  He has a unique sense of fashion which is cool because he possesses individuality. He is a bassist in a band. I am a guitar player who hasn't played in a band in many years, but we do play together sometimes.

I have a friend who can be very supportive. The comfort in knowing I have that moral support helps me in ways most can't even imagine. The individual in question happens to be a very competitive person that enjoys various sports such as :  Basketball, Football, Track, Weight-lifting. A very positive influence who offers perspective on how to deal with the day to day. He devotes much of his time to staying in physical condition. A routine  proving  to be healthy for the heart. The body shows a tendency to burn more calories when the heart rate goes up. He possesses a great sense of fashion and comfort with his own individuality. He plays bass in a band. I play guitar, however the last time I was in one, we do try and get together now and then just for fun which seems to have a way of improving our talent.

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